This is what I do and I'm so immensely proud of it too!!
I'm Lou and I'm a Nutrition Coach. (I also have a day job but this is my passion.) I Coach women online to overcome years of yo-yo...
I'm Lou and I'm a Nutrition Coach. (I also have a day job but this is my passion.) I Coach women online to overcome years of yo-yo...
Does your hair struggle to grow? Or are your nails breaking more as you get older? I have probably taken a year to grow my hair this much...
I wanted to share this comment that came out during a Client Check In at the weekend because I am so happy I could play a part in this!...
"Just because you have a bad diet, it doesn't make you a bad person" @jayshetty We are so quick to judge ourselves when things aren't...
Friday night me and hubby shared a bottle of prosecco and before that the last alcoholic drink we had was on holiday 3 weeks ago. I came...
Do you need a Mid Year Reset plan? If you haven't felt like the last 8 months have been your most productive yet don't worry, there is...
Does adding egg whites to your food automatically fill you with dread? If you are looking to increase your protein intake egg whites are...
Struggle with keeping your water intake high on the weekend? Here are my top tips!! My water bottle comes upstairs with my morning coffee...
How many of us have ever filled a bowl up with granola before? Well why wouldn't you, the stuff is delicious right? 😂 But, if you are...
Who can relate to any of the below 🤔 That isn't me, I don't eat those things I don't make XXX from scratch My family won't eat that That...
Now this has been on my list to try for a long time and I've finally got round to investing in a jar, I say investing because it isn't...
Life is full of distractions, there will never be a "right time" to start taking control of your health and wellbeing! There will always...
Here is a shocker for you, we have over 100 trillion microbes in our gut Our gut controls our mood, immune system, heart disease,...
Did you know grapefruit is one of the healthiest citrus fruits and one of the lowest in calories? In one grapefruit you will find about...
No fermented does not mean mouldy! The benefits you can get from bringing these into your diet are unreal. These little badboys are...
Every year we have raspberries and strawberries in our garden but this year I wanted to try a few new things so hubby built me a...
There are so many products marketed as "high" this or "low" that, it can be really confusing to us consumers and in the essence of time,...
Each week I try and bring something new into my diet, the world is full of exciting foods, flavours, colours and textures and it is so...
Bee pollen contains nearly ALL nutrients required by the body It has over 250 different substances contained within and is over 35%...
Happy Wednesday and it is time to showcase dried white mulberries! Dried fruit gets a bad rap. Yes it contains less water than the fresh...